Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Joie de Vivre

I did my first Dr. Sketchy's last night. For the uninitiated, it's life drawing with Burlesque girls and booze. The venue, Guilt & Co, was pretty cool, though they were out of Steak Tartar. It's been a long time since I've life drawn and I definitely struggled to find my groove again. Kicked in around the 5 minute poses though I started to overwork the 10 minute ones. The model was the lovely Cara Milk who did a great job and even did a quick burlesque number as an intermission. The biggest challenge with drawing burlesque is what to do focus on each pose. There's the pose/gesture, but there's also the clothing/details, the pattern/texture and the lighting/shine. One of the unscanned drawings won a sketchbook for being too French in a cartoony/funny way. Bully for me!I already bought my ticket to the next one.
