Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pea to the Nut 2

In an effort to get my friend Chad to post more of his webcomic, I've taken it upon myself to do the next one to get the ball rolling again. I can only speculate based on conversations with him that is the next logical installment of the ever popular duo. So here's a new Pea to the Nut Comic by Chad Veinot as channeled by me. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wielder of the Mega-Rod

Big Barda of DC comics. My favorite comic book lady. I don't necessarily like muscly woman, I just like women who can take care of themselves and lift more than 10 pounds. Takk from the Nobodies is my love letter to Barda.

Your Haircut is Offensive to Lesbians!

Drink and Draw Dump! I might do a new daily fanart series soon as the futuristic world of 2010 is finally upon us! Tremble and recoil uponst yourselves, people of the future!


Friday, January 15, 2010

A Takk

A pic of 'Takk' from the 'Nobodies.' This is an older version of her, notice the lack of the eyepatch as well as her warhammer, also named 'Takk.' I don't think I'll get the issue done for this year's convention, but I am STILL working on the series. Just gotta get all these other projects wrangled.
